Senior Adult Ministry
It’s great being a senior adult at RFBC! We strive to offer exciting opportunities for each senior adult at our church to be able to grow together, all the while growing in God’s grace, too! Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend the following activities:
Sunday School:
Senior adults at RFBC can choose from a variety of Sunday School small group options. Our classes meet each Sunday at 9:30 AM all over our campus. Click Here to find a class to connect with and come on Sunday mornings for a great time of building biblical community, as well as an transformational Bible study! Stop by the coffee cart around
9:00 AM and one of our folks will gladly show you to a class, or you can contact the church office for more information.
Prayer Meeting:
Our general Bible study and Prayer Meeting meets each Wednesday from 6:00-6:45 PM in the Chapel. During this time we offer intercessory prayer for those that are sick or hurting in our church family. We also spend time praying for revival to come to Franklin County and the rest of the world, as well! After prayer time, we have a time where we study God’s word each week, as well. Come join us each Wednesday at 6:00 PM!
Monthly Senior Adult Outings:
Every month, our Pastor of Senior Adults, Bert Fowler, leads our group on a new daylong excursion to a semi-local place to eat or explore, and sometimes both! Keep a watch out in the newsletter for the dates and times, and then come on and join us!
Senior Adult Choir:
This is a very special ministry for our church. Our senior adults gather each Monday morning at 10:30 AM at one of several nursing homes across Russellville. We go in and sing some of the finest southern gospel hymn out there, and the residents love to join us and sing along! If you are interesting in singing with us, just ask Bert and he can get you up to date with the most recent information. You can also keep up with the newsletter, where all of the locations are listed. You don’t have to have a George Beverly Shea or a Shirley Caesar kind of voice. Just come make a joyful noise with us!