Nov 4, 2018
By: Dr. Gene Balding
Series: Lessons from the Seven Churches

Revelation 2: 8 - 11
I. The sacrifice of Christ.
II. The sympathizing of Christ.
III. The support of Christ.
- Nov 4, 2018Smyrna
Nov 4, 2018SmyrnaBy: Dr. Gene BaldingSeries: Lessons from the Seven ChurchesSmyrnaRevelation 2: 8 - 11I. The sacrifice of Christ.II. The sympathizing of Christ.III. The support of Christ.
- Oct 28, 2018Ephesus
Oct 28, 2018EphesusBy: Dr. Gene BaldingSeries: Lessons from the Seven ChurchesRevelation 2:1-6I. The description of Christ.II. The delight of Christ.III. The disapproval of Christ.IV. The desire of Christ.
- Oct 21, 2018Getting to know you!
Oct 21, 2018Getting to know you!By: Dr. Gene BaldingSeries: Non-Series SermonGetting to know you!Interim Pastor - Dr. Gene BaldingJohn 3:16I. God can't love you more than he already has.II. God can't give you more than he already has.III. God can't make salvation any simpler than He already has.
- Aug 12, 2018151st Homecoming with Daniel Edmonds
Aug 12, 2018151st Homecoming with Daniel EdmondsBy: Guest SpeakerSeries: (All)Daniel Edmonds - SpeakerJohn 21
- Jul 8, 2018Light to the World Part 3
Jul 8, 2018Light to the World Part 3By: Dr. Gene BaldingSeries: Non-Series SermonI. Living the light. Matt. 5:13-161. Why salt? 5:132.Why light? 5:14-16II.Exposing by light. Eph. 5:8 & 10-11
- Your life. 5:8
- His standards. 5:10-11
- Lip service. 1:5-6
- Life service 1:7
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
Psalm 119:105 NKJV
“The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.” Psalm 119:130 NKJV
“Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.” I John 3:24 NKJV
- Jul 1, 2018The Light of the World part 2
Jul 1, 2018The Light of the World part 2By: Dr. Gene BaldingSeries: Non-Series SermonDr. Gene BaldingThe Light of the World Part 2John 1:1-12I. Before the beginning began.A. The Genesis Connection.B. John and Genesis give us the creation sequence.II. The one who began the beginning.A. Equality with the father.B. He is God's full and final word.III. Light and Life.A. The true light.B. The everlasting light.
- Jun 10, 2018A world without light Part 1
Jun 10, 2018A world without light Part 1By: Dr. Gene BaldingSeries: Non-Series SermonDr. Gene BaldingA World without light Part 1Genesis 1:1-3I. An unusual situation.II. Dealing with difficult issues.A. Views of the text.B. Problem with darkness.C. Conflicting scripture.III. Causes of the chaosIV. The new creationA. All of mankind has fallen.B. What God did for the earth in Genesis, He wants to do for you.
- Jan 21, 2018Dr. Frank Turek
Jan 21, 2018Dr. Frank TurekBy: Dr. Frank TurekSeries: Non-Series SermonDr. Frank Turek - Apologetics Speaker
- Aug 13, 2017Lest We Forget – 150th Anniversary Celebration
Aug 13, 2017Lest We Forget – 150th Anniversary CelebrationBy: Dr. Gene BaldingSeries: Non-Series SermonLest We Forget - 150th Anniversary of First Baptist Church RussellvilleDr. Gene Balding - Pastor EmeritusJoshua 4I. Remembering the crossing.II. Remembering the corporate victory.III. Remembering the personal victories.IV. Remembering to remember.
- Apr 9, 2017Remember
Apr 9, 2017RememberBy: Bert FowlerSeries: Non-Series SermonI Corinthians 11:23-26Remember:I. That Jesus died.II. How Jesus died.III. Why Jesus died.Without the death of Jesus, there is:No victories,No blessings,No miracles,could have ever happened in your story.